Working at Salsa Shop

Salsa Shop was founded in 2014 and now has 16 locations. This makes it the largest fresh Mexican food chain on the European mainland. It employs 300 people who are spread over various locations in The Netherlands.

  • HQ in Amsterdam
  • Active in the Netherlands
  • 57% / 43%
  • Average age 23
  • 300 employees in NL

Why work at Salsa Shop

Sue van Heerde
Sue van Heerde
Team Member

I wanted to work at a nice restaurant with friendly colleagues. The culture and ambiance at Salsa Shop is great and that's why I love working here.

Devan Aziz
Devan Aziz

I love to cook and at Salsa Shop they needed a cook so that's why I decided to apply. Love working here!

No job openings at Salsa Shop

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What is our biggest challenge?

The ambition is to grow and therefore we want to have fifty shops in 2027 in The Netherlands and surrounding countries, but we are not there yet. To enable this growth, we are looking for a team that can work hard and will fulfill crucial positions in the future through experience.

‘Grow to have fifty Shops in 2027’

Salsa Shop