Working at DORC
DORC (Dutch Ophthalmic Research Center) has undergone a transformation over 40 years from a Rotterdam-based producer of ophthalmic instruments to a global market leader. Our products are sold in over 80 countries worldwide. Where it all began in a garage, the company now consists of multiple locations worldwide with its headquarters in Zuidland. Despite this growth, DORC remains an informal organization with short lines of communication and an open-door policy at the executive level. The success of DORC is thanks to everyone's contribution: from team members to eye surgeons.
DORC focuses on innovation and utilizes feedback from ophthalmologists worldwide for improvement. We manufacture machines such as the EVA (and its successor, the EVA nexus) intended for use in hospitals and eye clinics. These machines, comprised of approximately 1000 parts, are meticulously assembled. There is a department (Units) specialized in producing these machines, while other departments produce and test instruments, fibers, or vitrectomy equipment. After production, these items are inspected, cleaned, and packaged in a cleanroom. The logistics department manages the flow of semi-finished products and parts. These are stored in the warehouse and then delivered to production departments. It is essential that the supply chain is continuous to prevent production downtime.
DORC is always looking for suitable employees who are well-trained and motivated. Because you work with small parts, good motor skills are required. Learning and receiving feedback are also crucial aspects of your role. There is no gray area in product quality; a product is either correct or incorrect - and you want to ensure that surgeries can be performed safely. You work in teams, so it is important that you can function well in a group, adhere to guidelines, and be responsible and accurate.
- Headquarters in Zuidland
- Sold in over 80 countries
- 400+ employees in the Netherlands
- 700+ employees worldwide
- 52% / 48%
- Average age is 45 years old
- Casual

Growth possibilities at this organisation
Through collective knowledge and effort, people worldwide can regain their sight. That’s why it makes sense for DORC to go all out to ensure that employees’ talents are utilized to the fullest extent possible and that they can continue to develop themselves. DORC places great importance on internal career advancement and does everything possible to encourage and support it. This includes providing training opportunities, but also giving employees more responsibilities. DORC allows employees to gain experience and offers them a promotion to the next position if they have demonstrated suitability for it.
Jobs at DORC
What is our biggest challenge?
Our challenge is to continuously push the boundaries when it comes to medical instruments and equipment for eye surgeries. As a rapidly growing organization in the medical field where compliance, quality, and professionalism take precedence, we strive to provide solutions that enhance lives. If you're looking to work in an environment that offers freedom and responsibility, DORC is the perfect place for you. You'll be encouraged to bring forth new ideas, and innovation, quality, and technology are deeply ingrained in DORC's DNA.
‘Bring out the best in yourself, so that others can see again.’